Thursday 13 March 2014

DIY - Simple Greeting Card

What You Need?

  1. Paper / Cardboard Paper
  2. Glue
  3. Colors
  4. Gift Wrapper / Any colorful papers
  5. Magazine
  6. Pens and Colors
Lets make a card,
           First fold the paper into two, now you get a model of card after this we are going to design the front side. Front side: for border i used gift wrapper.if you want thin border cut according to that. Next using magazine paper or any color paper make a frame. Inside, color it with your favorite color. If you have any stickers, paste it . At last write your wordings. Now Our front side is over. For flying hearts, first we need to take one paper and cut the sides of the hearts (Don't cut fully, then only its looks like flying:P). after that, paste it over any color or magazine paper. Now you have to paste this in the card. That's it, your card is ready now. 


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